Sunday, 11 December 2011

Hati itu bukan hatiku


A bundle of work has to be done by this midnight. Masyaallah...give me strength ya Rabbi.

Muhasabah diri siket, di tengah2 kesibukan yang melanda. Aku tersentuh dengan sebuah puisi ni..

Bila jiwa kacau risau tentang masa depan,
Bila hati sesak dengan karenah manusia yang tidak memahami,
Bila jiwa sukar berlapang dada,
Bila hati disempitkan dengan sangkaan buruk terhadap saudara lain,
Bila hati sentiasa ingin marah,
Bila hati mula berjinak dengan nafsu yang Allah tidak redha.

Bila akal lupa tujuan asal hidup,
Bila diri terasa enak berlingkar dengan maksiat,
Bila hati puas melakukan perkara yang tidak berbuah amal,
Bila jasad duduk enak tanpa berbuat ma'aruf.

Bila air mata terlalu sukar untuk dititiskan untuk-Nya,
Bila hati mula mengeras,
Bila fikiran melayang untuk perkara sia-sia,
Bila hati mula berputus asa terhadap rahmat dan nikmat-Nya.

Bila diri mula meminta yang berlebihan,
Bila hati mula meminta untuk yang bukan haq,
Bila diri rasa sudah cukup,
Bila lidah terlalu keras untuk mengalunkan zikir.

Bila cemburu terhadap nikmat dan rezeki insan lain,
Bila diri berpura baik di hadapan manusia,
Bila hati merasa perbuatan dosa sebagai tidak apa,
Bila diri sentiasa mahu dipuji.

Bila hati tidak yakin dengan janji-Nya,
Bila diri menyesal dengan setiap taqdir-Nya,
Bila hati sentiasa mencari aib dan salah orang lain,
Bila diri sentiasa ingin memuaskan selain dari Allah.

Bila hati merasa bebas dari jagaan Allah,
Bila merasa diri milik mutlaq diri sendiri,
Bila hati merasa aman melanggar amanah,
Bila merasakan tiada yang lebih penting melainkan diri sendiri.

Bila diri terlalu banyak beralasan,
Bila setiap perbuatan tidak terniat untuk Allah,
Bila diri mula berasa berat untuk sembah dan sujud kepada-Nya,
Bila telinga lebih enak dilagukan dengan selain ayat-ayat suci-Nya.

Bila mulut lebih senang berbicara tentang dunia dari manisnya syurga,
Bila redha manusia lebih dicari daripada redha Allah,
Bila merasa cinta manusia lebih asyik daripada cinta Allah,
Bila hati tidak rindu untuk bertemu-Nya,
Bila hati mula disempitkan dengan dunia,
Bila diri sombong tidak mahu meminta kepada-Nya,
Bila setiap akal, jiwa dan jasad terikat dengan dunia.

Hati itu bukan hati aku lagi..
Heal my heart ya Allah..
Bless me with a new heart..

copy from here

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

If you lose your way
Believe in a better day
Trials will come
But surely they will fade away
If you just believe
What is plain to see
Just open your heart
And let His love flow through
I believe I believe, I believe I believe
And now I feel my heart is at peace

-Irfan Makki & Maher Zain-



We went to Puskesmas Pedes today. It took about 30 minutes journey from Rengasdengklok by Angkot. We were pleasantly greeted by the staffs there to see the mass treatment of filariasis/ elephantiasis/"Untut" overall the Pedes Sub-district in order to cover the entire at-risk population. It was indeed a valueble experience to join this programme.

The Banner

The pills-Combination of Diethylcarbamazine and Albendazole.

Educate the villager on how to consume those pills. Bapak tu=Pak RT/ Ketua Kampung Desa ?? (^^

The Village...lupe nama kampung ni apa..

Filariasis/ elephantiasis/ Untut Disease

Sedikit info mengenai elephantiasis
It is caused by parasite named Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, or B. timori and transmitted by mosquitoes. The infective form of these parasite called microfilaria (larvae) enter the bloodstream, reproduce and spread.

Elephantiasis is characterized by the gross enlargement of a limb or areas of the trunk or head. There is an abnormal accumulation of watery fluid in the tissues (edema) causing severe swelling. The skin usually develops a thickened, pebbly appearance and may become ulcerated and darkened. Fever, chills and a general feeling of ill health (malaise) may be present.

Elephantiasis may also affect the male and female genital organs. In a male, there may be enlargement of the scrotum, and the penis may be retracted under skin which has become thickened, nonelastic, hot and painful. The spermatic cords may become thickened.

The external parts of the female genital organs (vulva) may also be affected by elephantiasis. A long, tumorous mass covered by thickened and ulcerated skin may develop between the thighs. There may also be an enlargement of the lymph nodes of the legs.

The recommended regimen for treatment through mass drug administration (MDA) is a single dose of two medicines given together - albendazole (400 mg) plus either ivermectin (150-200 mcg/kg) in areas where onchocerciasis (river blindness) is also endemic or diethylcarbamazine citrate (DEC) (6 mg/kg) in areas where onchocerciasis is not endemic. These medicines clear microfilariae from the bloodstream and kill most of the adult worms.

Rengasdengklok, Karawang.
1624 WIB.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

When you get hurt and don't know how to heal it, just see the best doctor:
He can heal everything, and it's free..

Be thankful for all problems you have to face.
They exist to accompany you to learn to be stronger.

Saturday, 3 December 2011



An hour talking on the phone with my beloved mom was not enough. I want to see her, hug her and spent all my day with her. Abah is not at home. "He is in Kluang with En. Yusop, settling about our home there...." mom said.

Puan Rahmah @ my Mom...

Miss you. Tunggu Ain balik...

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Hari ini di Kutawaluya


Di sini letaknya Puskesmas Kutawaluya, Karawang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Rasa banyak cakap pula hari.
Total patients hari ni 170 orang. Hari ni cases pelik-pelik, yang tak pernah muncul, muncul pula hari ni. Tadi anak sekolah datang pengsan, dipapah kawan- kawannya. Dx: Hypoglycemia + dysmenorrhea. Case yang kedua ditangani Elisya yang tangani. Dx: Gangrene Diabetes Mellitus. Dianjurkan refer pergi G.H dia taknak. Sudahnya Elisya bengang sendiri. Then ada seorang patient ni katanya pengsan. Dx: Dia-histeria-anak- dia-kejang

Depan Puskesmas Kutawaluya- Comot~~